Sunday, March 28, 2010

Can we expect Dwarf Fortress this week?

And we're back! Just in time for the new version of Dwarf Fortress...or at least, we can speculate as much. Last Friday Toady posted a particularly awesome update to his devlog...

The current situation is that I expect a (buggy!) Windows release in about a week, with the 40d# merge commencing at that time (or within a few days of the release). This is a bit of a change of plan, since I was originally going to release for all operating systems at once, but I feel like I'm going to get even more bogged down if I don't do it this way and the initial pre-merge release will give us a control to work with in the same way that 40d can be compared to 40d#. The initial merge release shouldn't take too long though, and it will be the top priority aside from the worst catastrophic crashes and things of that nature. I know the merge changes make the game playable for many of you when it otherwise isn't.

The crowd went wild, as you might expect. Dwarf Fortress a week? Seems like it. Toady is notoriously famous for missing deadlines, however; I know I'm not the only one who had expected the release in February of 2009. Still, I think we're at the stage where Toady wouldn't dare make false promises.

I hope!

Regardless, I have decided to start this blog back up in hopes of attracting some attention and serving as a hub for cool stories, news, and other stuff as I think of it. I dunno, I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do. Any thoughts or ideas?


  1. You seem to have a blog no one reads. Might I recommend a comic or something equally hilarious. Don't forget to talk about it liberally.

  2. Wow am I glad I learnt about this blog yesterday. =p
