Now picture how they dress...rotted clothing hanging limp from their bodies, some have twelve pairs of a left sock, the Dungeon Master walks the halls in half a dozen cloaks, your failed moody dwarf runs around naked...
Now the lack of DF graphics make sense. I don't think us gamers could handle it.
But assuming after all of this you still want to envision your Dwarves in image form, Kennel from the forums has the tool for you.
Well...soon he will.
It's called the Dwarftraitist.
It's not out quite yet, but it's being worked on, and you can track the progress of it by clicking the above link.
See, the next update is bringing a lot of new descriptions and the like to DF. Dwarves will have hair, beards, and lots of appearance/trait variations that set them apart from each other. This isn't always obvious in text form, however. What this program will eventually do is grab the information (somehow!) and create images based off the data. The results (note that these are randomly generated dorfs)?

Not too shabby, eh? I for one will be keeping my eye on this project.
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