Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dev Notes (or lack thereof), another Future of the Fortress update, and the meetup!

May has been a slow month for DF, and not much has been said in the way of updates.

Seems like entity positions are still being worked up and updated, though specifics of all of it are still shrouded in mystery and intrigue. The revamp will eventually allow us custom made positions and such, which definitely isn't a bad thing, and could lead the way to other more interesting nobles. Still, it'd nice to see something tangible.

Toady did another grab-bag of questions at the Future of the Fortress. Here's another summary of what he said:

-You'll be able to "create" deities and put them in the world. Indeed, eventually you'll be able to create almost any sort of historical figure and plop them in before genning a world.

-Nobles in the raws will allow you to have custom names for your nobles. Don't like the sound of 'King'? How about 'Warlord'?

-Not much else in terms of news, but some various hints into Toady's ideas for development crop up, so it's worth a look

Finally, today is the day of the Dwarf Fortress meetup. Assuming you can't make it to Washington state (and I'm sure there's a pretty big chance of that) you can follow the progress of it all in this topic. Or this live webcam of the action.

Yep, I said webcam.

Right now it's "off" as the festivites don't start until 6:00pst. But if you ever wanted to watch nerds talking to other nerds while being nerdy, well my good sir, you've found paradise.

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